The landscape

Pollenza is a town located on a ridge, it has an elliptical shape and it is delimited by the river Potenza on the north side, by the river Chienti on the south and by the highway S.S. 77. Pollenza rises up on a hill, 344 metres high, and it has a population of 6.025 inhabitants.

On the west side, the horizon is characterized by the Monti Sibillini mountains, with their shimmering colors, and those make the landscape really suggestive, in every season: the white of the snow, reflecting on the top of the mountains, or the green explosion in spring give the visitor inimitable and evocative moments.

On the other side, on the east, hills sloping down, until reaching the sea, highlighting how mild this morphology is, with the human activities perfectly coexisting with the land. The cities of Treia, Macerata and San Severino are a perfect frame and background, as the various rivers, vegetation and cultivated lands.

Cassero and Trebbio are outlying neighborhoods, on the north and on the south side, and represent attachments that make Pollenza developing until the extremity of the hill. In every slope of the hill, human settlements coexist with the land, with beautiful farmhouses, little villages and built up areas, reminding the ancient ruins of pre-existing Middle Age castles.

The geothilogical conformation is constituted by clay and marble in some points, sandy and friable in others, and this influenced directly the creation of ancient and modern buildings as their conservation.

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