Cantagallo’s Battle – 2nd and 3rd of May 1815

In May 1815, a battle took place in the areas around Macerata, Pollenza and Tolentino. This was a real important event for the Italian history. In this battle, the Neapolitan army lost against the Austrian troops.

It was a tremendous conflict: on one side, an army led by Gioacchino Murat, king of Naples and Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother-in law, and on the other side the Austrian army, led by the field marshal Federico Bianchi.

The bloody battle had been named in different ways during the years: Rancia’s battle, Cantagallo’s battle, Tolentino’s battle, Macerata’s battle, or even Monte Milone’s battle (Pollenza’s ancient name, until 1862), and it is surely considered the most important historical event of Macerata’s province.
On 30th March 1815, Gioacchino Murat invited the italian people to fight for the independence with the famous “Proclama di Rimini” (Rimini’s edict), trying to reinforce his army with patriotic people.
Even if the battle went wrong, May 1815 may be considered a first step in the Italian “Risorgimento”, that would lead to the Italian unification.

Ossario Caduti Cantagallo_Battaglia del 1815


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Address Altura di Cantagallo in Pollenza

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